Jeremy Wolf

Jeremy Wolf

Jeremy Wolf
Members Public


This clip changed how I see sports.

Jeremy Wolf
Members Public

Michael Jordan's Relentless Pursuit of Imperfection

In Practice July 14, 2023 Written by Jeremy Wolf, co-founder of MindReady I've dreaded bringing up Michael Jordan. Not because he's the "GrEaTeSt Of AlL TiMe" (dm's open) but because quotes from him and Kobe and Lebron are so played out. One

Jeremy Wolf
Members Public

About winning

Kyle Walker, one of the best fullbacks of all time, didn't start in the UEFA Champions League final for Manchester City Football Club a few weeks ago. After watching this clip, his humility surprised me: "It's just about winning one game."

Jeremy Wolf
Members Public

Welcome to Sport Psychology Today from MindReady πŸ‘‹

We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you. Thank you for being a part of our community. We value your support and look forward to working with you and your athlete in the future.

Jeremy Wolf
Members Public

A note from me as we get started

Being attuned to your mind, and having a support structure around you, are critical to finding your own version of peak performance. I firmly believe that focusing on and prioritizing our mental fitness unlocks potential and opportunities that we never knew we had inside of us. What I’ve learned

Jeremy Wolf
Members Public

Discovering how we're failing our athletes and what we can do to fix it

Hi, I'm Jeremy Wolf and we're MindReady. As CEO of MindReady, it’s my mission to understand and fix the current state of mental health coaching amongst a growing population of athletes in the United States and The Lab is my vehicle to disseminate that information

Jeremy Wolf
Members Public

Trust w/ Dr. Dominic Morais (#001)

Episode #001 is with my good friend and mentor, Dr. Dominic Morais of the San Antonio Spurs. We discuss the importance of mindset, preparation, and devoting your life to what you believe in. 🎧 Listen now on Spotify & Apple Podcasts. 0:00/1Γ— 🎧 Listen now on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.

Jeremy Wolf
Members Public

Who am I if I can't get on the field?

Picking up the pieces made me realize how fragile it all is. I thought about it the other day. My career. What was my career? What continues to be the what was of my career. Four years in college and two years in the pros. And, you could say, I